Needing Goals
I saw a LinkedIn post recently that celebrated not having goals. I can possibly understand this perspective, but for me, it sounds like a nightmare filled with aimless chaos—so, my summer in many ways.
I lost sight of my professional goals these past couple of years because of my surgeries and I spent the summer spiraling over it. Due to the emergency and prolonged nature of it all, I lost touch with most of my work contacts. I’ve been struggling to recover from the impact of this ever since. My schedule and future seem less clear and I’ve been thinking a lot about the fragile nature of the work environment I’ve created over these past seven years as an independent brand and marketing designer.
Further, once my mind gets warmed up about a topic, wandering becomes boundless and I’ve also been trying to figure out which aspects of this career I like and which I really don’t. It’s time for a BIG change, and to feel calm and grounded about this so that I make the right moves, I need formally established goals. I know that without these goals I’m going to keep treading water and and am ready and excited to move forward and not look back.
We have a goal-sharing call at Wiggle Work tomorrow and it’s motivated me to thoroughly spell out my intentions and my roadmap to get there. I can’t wait to share these and get a glimpse into what others are working on—there’s still time to join us!